

Tiklso link

Build me a card game

Biudžetas 501-1000 Eur
Sukurta: 2022-09-25
Baigiasi: 2022-10-02
Siūlo: Nėra
Apibūdinimas: It's a card game based on Archaeology the card game. (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/31105/archaeology-card-game) I need it done in C#/.NET - Windows Forms I have attached the brief below. Please read carefully... (Budget: $250 - $750 NZD, Jobs: .NET, C# Programming, Desktop Application, Windows Desktop)

Darbo Tipas(ai):
  • PHP
  • CSS
Duomenų Bazė:
Operacinė Sistema: Linux
Siūlymų Skaičius: 0
Siūlosi Žinutės Kaina Trukmė Įvertinimas Informacija